Frequently Asked Questions
What is the scope of the Certified Labour Program (CLP)?
What if our agency already has a program in place to have criminal record background screens done on their employees?
Is it legal for employers to order and obtain a criminal record background check?
When an employee applies for certification under the CLP do I need to ask for identification?
Does a Driving Under the Influence (DUI) disqualify a candidate under the CLP?
How long is a labour certification valid?
Many drivers have a 'black book' of individuals used as labour throughout the country. Will these individuals have to be criminal record background screened?
Do you need a person's permission to run a criminal record background screen?
What is given to the applicant once the criminal record background screen has been completed and the employee is rendered “eligible” to work under this program?
Can I order a criminal record background screen on an existing employee?
If the criminal record background screen reveals the existence of a criminal record, how is the agent notified and what is the next step?
How does the employee know that the van line will keep information confidential, and what type of authorization do I need from the employee to forward their criminal record?
I have a conviction on my criminal record, is there anything I can do?
If an applicant does not meet our company standards how are they notified?
How can I market or promote this program to prospective customers or corporate accounts?